18 Sex-Positive Books You Should Read

Here are the books my sex-positive book club has read…and what we’re reading next.

Shannon Burton, SXI (they/she)
11 min readMay 22, 2023
Join the club on Facebook

(Original post with links at sexcoachshannon.com)

I spent the weekend selecting the Sex-Positive Book Club’s reads for the rest of the year.

This is always a tough task. There are so many great books out there and so little time.

But cuts were made. Decisions were finalized. It’s time to announce the rest of our reads!

First, a quick overview of books we’ve already enjoyed.

Previous Sex-Positive Book Club Reads

1. Come As You Are, Emily Nagoski

Fun story: the book club didn’t start as a book club at all. Initially, a couple of friends and I simply read Come As You Are together. We’d all had it on our shelves for months but needed some accountability for reading motivation.

I’m so glad we made it happen. Not only did our little group grow into a nearly 200-member book club (as of this writing), but Nagoski’s explanation of the dual control model and arousal non-concordance was a game-changer for my work with clients struggling with…



Shannon Burton, SXI (they/she)

Sexual Empowerment Coach for Women+🌈 Explore, embrace, and expand your sexuality with virtual, talk-based coaching. Find resources at sexcoachshannon.com