Polyamory Yes No Maybe List

What’s on — and off — the table for your poly dynamic?

Shannon Burton, SXI (they/she)
4 min readMay 20, 2023

A while back, I created a Yes No Maybe List for ENM (ethical nonmonogamy) to use with clients interested in open relationships.

The feedback on it has been overwhelmingly positive. It’s helped a lot of individuals and couples puzzle out which aspects of ENM could (and couldn’t) work for them.

I eventually decided to include the ENM list in my Sexual Communication Journal:

Lately, however, I’ve noticed this Yes No Maybe list falling short. As my clients expand their comfort with ENM, many find themselves in a territory they weren’t prepared for.

I’m talking, of course, about polyamory.

“When people think of nonmonogamy, they tend to assume the conversation is about opening a relationship sexually.

However, polyamory is a form of nonmonogamy with more emphasis on opening a relationship emotionally and/or romantically.”



Shannon Burton, SXI (they/she)

Sexual Empowerment Coach for Women+🌈 Explore, embrace, and expand your sexuality with virtual, talk-based coaching. Find resources at sexcoachshannon.com